One thing that most people like about vacation is that it’s a time to relax and enjoy the surroundings. You can go out to bars or enjoy a nice dinner at a restaurant without worrying about anything.

Unfortunately, if you do get into legal trouble on vacation, it can have an impact on your life when you get back home. DUIs, in particular, can cause problems for people’s careers and schooling.

What happens if you get a DUI out of state?

If you get a DUI out of state, then you should know that your situation could be tougher to deal with. For example, if you’re in New Jersey on vacation but are from North Carolina, you could be facing charges based on laws you don’t know or understand. In that case, it’s smart to talk to someone who knows the laws in New Jersey and to have someone help in the state where the charge was placed.

If you live in New Jersey and get a DUI charge when you’re out of state, then you may want to look into getting help to make sure the right paperwork is file and that you have representation when you need it.

Does a DUI out of state affect you in your state?

Yes. If you get a DUI in North Carolina (as an example), that DUI will impact you in New Jersey, too, in most cases. For instance, the DUI charge will go through the court in N.C., but your DMV in New Jersey will also be notified if you’ve lost your license. Then, you may lose your right to drive in New Jersey as well.

DUI convictions impact you no matter where you go. This is because states do share information between them. So, if you’ve lost your license, you will likely be unable to get a license in any other state. If you get a DUI in another state, your scholarships at a school could still be affected or your career might be impacted by having the charge or conviction reported on your criminal record.

Vacation fun can end up causing you grief. If you face a DUI, remember that you can take steps to fight it and protect yourself.